Sailpoint Course

Sailpoint Course

What is a sailpoint course?

A collection of training content can be assigned to users to give them access and knowledge about a specific topic. For example, you might create a Deployment Planning sailpoint course that gives users access to relevant information about the steps required to plan a deployment of IdentityIQ.

What is sailpoint fam?

sailpoint fam file access manager manages access to cloud and on-premises applications, databases, and data repositories using a unified model that treats access like a digital wallet. This allows users to carry their entitlements and access rights between applications and data sources. Sailpoint also manages access to data repositories in the cloud.

What is a sailpoint sso connector?

The sailpoint sso Connector aggregates user information from any SSO application. The options for grouping the users and configuring the aggregation schedule can be set while configuring SSO connector. The connector can be configured to work only or in read-write mode. The SSO connector can be configured to work with a single or multiple SSO application.

Explain about sailpoint role certification.

Let me give you a little information about sailpoint role certification to ensure that the proper access is given to the right person. Role certification is done by the manager or the owner of the role. We can do certification on two levels: certification of a single part or certification of multiple roles.

What is java sailpoint identity intelligence?

The java sailpoint Identity Intelligence Gateway aggregates and correlates identity data from all of the enterprise’s identity systems, both existing and in development, to give businesses a 360-degree view of users and the data they control.

How to navigate sailpoint?

To navigate sailpoint through the application, there are two ways: Use menu options on the menu bar at the top of the page, Use shortcuts in the left sidebar
  • Application Navigation
  • Account Navigation
  • System Navigation

what is sailpoint scim?

The SailPoint scim connector manages the accounts and groups in a SCIM service. The SCIM connector can read and write reports, groups, and attributes. It supports multi-tenancy and the connection to multiple SCIM services.

What is fam sailpoint?

A unified paradigm that handles access as a digital wallet is used by the sailpoint fam file access manager to control access to on-premises and cloud-based apps, databases, and data repositories. This feature allows users to maintain their entitlements and access permissions even after switching apps or data sources. In addition, Sailpoint is responsible for managing access to cloud-based data repositories.

Explain about forgerock vs sailpoint?

Both forgerock vs sailpoint have been making waves in the identity and access management market, with SailPoint signing a lucrative deal with Booz Allen Hamilton to provide IAM services to the Department of Defense and ForgeRock signing an agreement with the U.S. Department of Energy to provide IAM services to the agency. ForgeRock and SailPoint are strong contenders in the Governance, Risk, and Compliance market. The two products have similar capabilities, with SailPoint having a slight edge in terms of pricing.

What is the sailpoint arm?

The sailpoint arm synchronizes the IdentityIQ accounts and entitlements on an application with the roles and entitlements on the associated application. It runs as a scheduled task and is configured by selecting the Arm item from the navigation menu. The Arm uses a synchronization map. Entities on the application are compared with the entity on the IdentityIQ application. Entities that exist on both applications and have the exact attributes are expected to have the same values.

Does sailpoint beyondtrust integrate?

Sailpoint IdentityIQ integrates with Beyondtrust for Host-based Threat Management. This integration enables you to discover, classify and automatically remediate host-based threats, including malware and compromised credentials.

What is sailpoint cam?

sailpoint cam Cloud Access Management extends the capabilities of IdentityIQ to enable cloud access provisioning through a browser-based interface. Cloud applications are provisioned using standard Lifecycle Manager work items. The IdentityIQ Cloud Access Management supports Amazon Web Services, Windows Azure, and

What are some of the sailpoint competitor or alternatives?

IdentityIQ has a robust set of competitors competing with the product in the market. Some of the familiar identity management competitors of SailPoint are
  • CA
  • IBM
  • Okta
  • OneLogin
  • PingIdentity

What topics will cover in the sailpoint demo?

sailpoint demo will cover the following topics
  • Introduction to Identity
  • SailPoint Features
  • SailPoint Installation
  • SailPoint Architecture

What is sailpoint erp maestro?

sailpoint erp maestro Training is designed to provide Business Partners with the knowledge and skills necessary to sell, implement and support Sailpoint IdentityIQ successfully.

What are sailpoint events?

This option configures which sailpoint events will be generated by IdentityIQ. The events generated by IdentityIQ are listed below
  • Generate IdentityIQ Events
  • Identity Creation Event
  • Account Provisioning Event
  • Role Provisioning Event
  • Role Composition Event
  • Role De composition Event
  • Account De composition Event
  • Password Change Event
  • Account De composition Event
  • Account Lockout Event
  • Account Unlock Event
  • Update Login History Event
  • Lifecycle Event

What is the sailpoint exam?

Sailpoint certification exam is a multiple-choice type exam. It contains 25 questions. The time duration of this exam is 60 minutes.

List some of the sailpoint exam dumps?

The Sailpoint IIQ Certified Professional exam is an open-book exam, which means you are not allowed to bring any books or devices with you during the exam. The Sailpoint IIQ Certified Professional exam includes the following topics:
  • Application Policy and Business Logic
  • Role and permission management
  • Advanced Identity and attribute management
  • Progressive Governance, Risk and Compliance (GRC)

What is sailpoint fedramp certification?

The sailpoint fedramp certification process is a standard process that all agencies go through to obtain a FedRAMP authorization. The FedRAMP certification process includes addressing deficiencies identified during the agency-led internal agency security review and the FedRAMP Joint Authorization Board (JAB) review.

What is sailpoint gcp?

The sailpoint gcp Google Cloud Platform connector manages the accounts and projects within a Google Cloud Platform account. The connector uses the Google API Client Library for Java.

What is sailpoint grc?

The sailpoint grc File is a text file that IdentityIQ uses to read and write the product’s configuration. The configuration parameters contained in the GRC file are used to configure IdentityIQ in various ways, including controlling the behavior and logging of the product, defining the application and user populations, and defining the rules used by the product.

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